Thou art as opposite to every good

As the antipodes are unto us.

(Shakespeare: Henry VI, Part 3, Act 1, Scene 4, lines 134 f)

The Australians are called the antipodes (literally: 'anti-feet-ers') because they live on the opposite half of the globe, and each of us in Great Britain has an Australian counterpart living in Australia whose sole purpose in life it is to maintain the balance of the globe, which would collapse entirely if every Australian lived in Britain.

As long as they remain in Australia they can continue their evil ways. This is in fact necessary for ecological balance, since not everybody can be as good as us.

The sentiment is most forcefully expressed in Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part 3, Act 1, Scene 4, lines 134 f:

"Thou art as opposite to every good

As the antipodes are unto us."